Dear Colleagues, Following are the main point discussed in today’s meeting (Tuesday, 31st Oct’ 2006): Test Coordinator : Vittorio (Begin of Week), Nick (End of Week) Equipment Support : Salem till Friday, Giorgio Saturday/Sunday Magnet Tests completed : 11 (9 Stripped) Dipoles : 7 (1410 with MM) ARC-SSS : 1 (SSS352) 500 Series : 2 (520 trained in 10 quenches + SSW + MM) 600 Series : 1 Bench Configuration : Dipole: 6, ArcSSS: 2, IRSSS: 4 Main Points: 1. SSS669: Gye informed that Chaconsa is about to finish in morning time today and SSW is already over. 2. SSS521: GH Corrector (MSCBA) training is pending. SSW is also pending at nominal current, as bench is busy with D2. 3. Eric pointed out Problem of SSW test on bench D1, as test was not able to launch on Sunday. Richard changed the motor controller unit and integrator card along with OP Team but not succeeded. Gye told that on Monday, he restarted the Sun workstation and test was launched normally but exact reason of the problem is not known. 4. There was again cryo problem/limitation last week, only one or two magnets @ cold at same time. Stephen informed that they are working with only one pump and there gas purification system is also not working properly so cryo limitation is continuing since last two week. 5. Louis pointed out that Connection/Disconnection time of the magnet is too high during the weekend. It looks that ICS has shortage of men power, as some time it is observe that there is only one person for connection/Disconnection. 6. Louis informed that this week we will have more repeat SSS magnet. 7. On TBA2: Magnet MBAR1413 MM is going on but we have lot of difficulty on this bench as misalignment of anti cryostat. Stephen asked to Halik for the same, as per Halik it will take two hours to alignment before the new magnet connection. Stephen told he will skip ramp measurement (MM4) and after removal of shaft, he will put stretch wire for SSW. 8. Giorgio informed that Quench localization shaft on B2 found in broken condition so it could be the reason that of anti-cryostat temperature was coming too low in aperture 2. This is required to repair before to put on next magnet. 9. Kevin pointed out that on bench D1 with LFOFF Corrector GH reading is showing on IJ window and vice versa. Giorgio will look onto this. 10. Louis summaries the reason for testing less magnet in last week are : • Due to Cryogenic problem/limitation. • Due to ICS as connection/disconnection time is high. • Due to Long Magnetic Measurements. • Due to SSS not available for test so some benches were empty. That is all from Tuesday meeting, have a nice week ahead. Cheers, Bye Sushil Bahuguna |