Dear Colleagues, Following are the main point discussed in today’s meeting (Tuesday, 30th Jan’2007): Test Coordinator : No TC for this week. Stephane will coordinate the test. For performance related issues Pierre & Andre may be contacted. Magnet Tests completed : 4 Dipoles : 3 (2384, 2414, 2408) 500 Series : 1 (509) Main Points: 1. SSS523 (TBD1): Magnet to be removed at the earliest from the bench and kept in nearby location. 2. SSS509: TT821 Not working and EF Corrector did not reach ultimate in 22 quenches. Magnet signed for Standby. 3. MBAR2326: TBA2: MM will finish by Wednesday. Same MM program will follow for MBAR2267 on TBF2. It will take approx 5 days to finish MM. This is the last dipole with MM. 4. Magnets remaining to be received in SM18 for testing which are to be used in Machine: a. Dipoles: 3 (2425, 2426, 2394). Note: 2394 will come after repair. b. SSS: 4 ( 531, 529(with MM), 530, 374(with MM) ). SSS531 should have highest priority. SSS374 is the last Arc SSS for machine. 5. Spare Magnets to be tested: a. Dipoles: 5 Expected in Feb (2790, 2624, 2598, 2551, 2739) b. Other Dipoles: 4 : 2420, 2419, 2418, 2399 (with MM). 6. From 1st Feb’07 Cryo team will be working between 08:30hrs to 17:00 Hrs. a. Avoid Warm-up Quench, Provoke Quench and Training Quench (11850A) after 17:00 Hrs. b. Exceptionally 6500 A quench can be done but should be avoided otherwise after 17:00 hrs. c. Low current quench such as 1500A, 3000A etc. can be carried out after 17:00 Hrs. However, all quenches to be stopped beyond 2100 hrs. d. Shift leader can discuss with cryo team at 17:00 hrs for specific tests and other cryo related issues relevant for evening. Priority to be set such that MM and Warm tests are carried out beyond working hours of cryo. 7. Other Issues relating to Magnet Testing previous week: a. 24Afternoon: TBF1: 2328: Magnet got detrained during second trg by 324A but was above 12K. Also during warmup quench, performance improved, hence accepted. b. 25th Morning: All benches: Problems related to PLCSE fault, UDP Socket and e-traveller was due to power cut on Wednesday night. It was rectified. c. 26th Afternoon: TBA2: 2326: Inductance value for CD & EF corrector is now put on a paper in Cluster A. Giorgio will power the corrector. 8. WP04 to be carried out by OP team for dipoles with Anticryostat. Either OP team HV rack OR ICS HV rack can be used. However, ICS HV rack to be shutdown before disconnecting after completing the HV. One ICS HV rack will be transferred to OP team for facilitating the test. That is all from Tuesday meeting, have a nice week ahead. Cheers, Bye Vijendra Sinha |