Dear Colleagues, Following are the highlights of the Tuesday meeting dated 29/11/2005: In the week ending 29/11/05, record 20 no. of Magnet Test Cycles were performed (13 dipoles and 7 SSS). Only Ansaldo magnets (2XXX) with shafts or quench antennas need a 4.4K quench just before warm-up. If any Ansaldo magnet comes without shaft or quench antenna, then there is no need for 4.4K quench. Please take care to follow the procedure strictly while changing the polarity switch. It is written and kept near the polarity switch of all the benches. The polarity switch is very delicate!!! It is suggested to take consent of shift leader before changing position of polarity switch. It is noted that there is an inherent problem with the polarity switch. So GHH suggested that ICS should contact shift leader before putting the magnet each time and shift leader can decide which magnet to be put on a free bench depending on the position of polarity switch. This way changing of polarity switch can be avoided. Alternately three benches can be reserved for LEFT magnets only and three for RIGHT magnets only. The last Noell magnet (3XXX) will be cold by 07/12/2005. A team from Noell will come to see the powering of magnet. Magnet 2202 or 3370 will undergo special Magnetic measurement and hall probe. Stephan will decide which one (2202 or 3370). Next magnet on D1 will be SSS347 with SSW. Problems encountered by SM18op Team: On TBE1: MBAL1088 : R cathode exceeded the limit of 15 micro OHM in PTE. NC was opened. TBF1: MBBL1192: AQA alarm during warm up quench –PT10. MIITS AQA was 45.1 while limit is 37. Also MIITS manual was 38.2. Eqp support & TC were contacted. TC advised to do SSL at 4.4 K. The problem will be further analyzed by Eqpt support. TBA1: Loss of cryo OK was observed when quench heaters were discharged after PT8 TBD1: SSS 208 : PT8 could not be launched because of LF DAQ was not getting armed. Eqp support was contacted. The problem was with CPU card. TBB1: SSS 149 : Resistance value of sextupole voltage taps did not match with old connection type. But the values were matching with new connection. The Eqp support was contacted to confirm the type of connection. TBA1: LF DAQ was not getting armed. The problem was again with CPU card. TBD2:SSS605: No traveller for the magnet. It was then brought later. TBE: LF DAQ was not getting armed. The problem was again with CPU card. TBD2: SSS605 IAP was not getting launched because of corrupted lf configuration files. TBC2: MB 1283 In PT5.1 AQA warning “quench location outside the main coil” was there. The test was repeated, but the result was same. Eqp support found out the problem that AC compensation was 30% more for D2_U_L. Again for PT5.2 quench location was outside the main coil. Eqp support analyzed and found that it was a symmetric quench. TBD1:SSS083 : ICS could not connect the magnet because three wires were cut on CFB side. Eqp support fixed the problem. TBA2 &TBC2: Tests could not be launched because HWREC was not working. Eqp. Support was contacted. The problem was with oracle DB files. Oracle expert solved the problem. TBD2 : SSW stages were installed wrongly(Stage A & Stage B were interchanged.) Also there were problems with Sag_cal and DB files. When it was copied from other stage there was problem with the movement of motor because the environment of system1 and system 3 were different. TBA1: MB1289: Quench at 780 A during PT4 (SPA). The problem was with offset of card D1-D2 (100mV). But during IAP this card was OK. TBF2: MB3406: Dipole Quench heaters Vs Gnd was failing in CDW1 HV even though it was OK in WP04. Maryline asked ICS to disconnect the magnet and repeat WP04. The problem was still there. Investigation is continuing. 2 out of 3 ROCLAS were not working. Repaired. Now OK. That's all for the Week Have a nice week ahead Regards Vasu |