Dear Colleagues, Following are the minutes of the Tuesday meeting held on 25th July, 2006: à 13 magnet tests completed from 11 benches – A2 under repair. 6 – Dipoles (none with magnetic measurement), 5 - Arc SSS, 0 - 500 series and 2 - 600 series (636 (315 hrs), 645 (173hrs)). Test Co-ordinator: Martha Bajko. Equipment Support: 16-3602 (Guy / Salem) à Nick mentioned that the overall performance during last week was O.K considering the fact that one bench (A2) was down for the whole week for silver shoe repair and a long drawn voltage tap contact problem in SSS257. R, Mompo said 2 voltage taps were found open. They were reconnected and a quench was made. It was still not found connected properly. The magnet was warmed up for carrying out continuity test. It will be done today by Mathias. à Louis pointed out that the ICS is taking more time to do the disconnection of the tested magnets and suggested that the OP team should pressurize the ICS if they find that they are taking long time. à Halik mentioned that S4 618 is expected on TBB1. There will be no magnetic measurements for this magnet. The magnet will be put on the bench with the help of ROCLA. He also told that S4-624 is expected on TBD2. à Lionell told that towards the end of this month, the CRYO team will have severe shortage of manpower (as low as one person per shift). à Pierre told that the OP team should be aware of the details of the magnetic measurements, the various parameters such as the type of shaft etc. Nick clarified that it was Stephane who was providing the last link that provides information referred to by pierre. In the absence of Stephane, Marco will provide the necessary information. Nick informed that the list available on the Dip Coor page does not provide the above information and it is always provided to the OP team by the experts. à Of late the OP team is facing lot of problems with the HV test, such as not enough number of racks, bad test results, loose connectors, no communication to the OP team about the usability of the racks etc. Nick explained that out of the many insulation problems observed this week some were real problems in the magnet, some due to condensation problems and some due to the equipment problems. R.Mompo suggested to use the blowers in case of condensation. à It was pointed out by Nick that extra diode tests were done in the last week on two magnets. Pierre explained that one was done due to the fact that the software could not record the complete diode signal of interest and the other was done as discrepancy was observed in the resistance measurements on the magnet. Nick asked Pierre to clarify whether he asked the OP team to repeat the diode test on every magnet. Pierre said it will be repeated if found necessary. à Nick told that there is always a problem with the display boards. R.Mompo said that the info on the board should not be relied upon if it is flashing and Louis told that in such a case the Shift leader should tell the ICS that they should not rely on the flashing board. à On TBB1 and TBD1 the quench heater was not discharging. Salem found out that it was due to a wrong Quench Heater box that has been put and some loose connection in electronics. The problem was rectified. The message is that when making bench connections ensure that we connect all the correct cables. Even if some cables are already there check them out if they are the ones you require to put. à On TBF1:magnet 2339 detrained at 11602A, TC asked to retrain the magnet as the quench memory of the magnet is not good. Nick observed that there were too many quenches on this magnet. à On cluster E, there was problem with the polarity switch. Salem rectified the problem after lot of difficulty around midnight. As always the message is very clear: ‘HANDLE THE POLARITY SWITCH WITH UTMOST CARE’. à The OP team reported that whenever the bench is changed from CC to B1, the indicator was not coming on causing confusion. It was also observed that if the bench is switched back to CC and then again to B1 the indicator turns on. R.Mompo will look in to this problem. à TBD2 – sss623 was just short of ultimate current by 9A after 9 ramps. Nick insisted that we go for a 10th ramp to see whether it reaches ultimate as this will save a lot of bench time in comparison with a thermal cycle. The TC agreed and instructed the OP team to do a 10th quench. Have a nice week ahead. Best Regards RAGHUNATHAN Sampathkumar |