Dear Colleagues, Following are the highlights of the Tuesday meeting held on 22 Nov 2005: 1) Magnet Test cycles: 18 complete magnet test cycles were performed. The breakup is as follows: 12 dipole + 6 SSS + 0 SSSS (special SSS) 2) In the coming weeks all Ansaldo magnets will be having anticryostats. Follow the defined procedures for testing the quench performance at 4.4 K. 3) Nicholay informed that some magnet resistances are found to be out of limits by few percents (below the nominal), possibly due to low temperature around sm18. The excel template will be reviewed to take care of this. In the mean time if the magnet resistances are found to be deviating by less than 2% or so then it can be ignored. 4) Louis Walckiers informed that the magnet SSS 277 required too many quenches apparently to adjust the quench antenna location. Problems encounterd by SM18 OP Team & their solutions: 1) MB 3328 on TBC1: Storage was down. The result for the first training quench was analyzed in the local SUN server. Maryline instructed the op team to put a note on the board for the next shift to validate and analyze the file later when the storage is alright. 2) SSS161 on TBB1: Errors in voltage tap signals displayed during IAP at warm. Guy informed that it occurred due to the use of different adapter (i.e, focusing / defocusing types). 3) MB2201 on TBA1: HV test final @4,5K could not be carried out immediately because of bad temperature regulation (even though the temperature indicated on the display was just right for the HV test). John Paul informed that he will look into the problem. 4) MB2249 on TBC1: Alerts during PT 5.2(HF heater provoked quench); QH1,3 tminV < 500 and QH3 Vmin > 15.0. Maryline informed that it could be due to some EMC problem on the C-bench and she would investigate it. In the meantime if such problems occur on the C bench after repeated tests then the equipment support should be contacted for further instructions. That is all for the previous week. Best Regards Abhijit Manna |