Dear Colleagues, Following are the minutes of the Tuesday meeting held on Aug 22., 2006: Test Co-ordinator: Sandrine (164285) Equipment Support: Marylene (163602) Total number of magnets tested this week : 15 Dipoles --- 8 (2281 was repeated) Arc SSS ---- 4 500 Series magnets --- ZERO 600 Series magnets --- 3 1. A.Siemko asked what was meant by 'bench free time'. Nick told it might be the lengh of time from removal of a magnet from a bench to arrival of a new magnet on the same bench. It was wondered why it should be as high as 30/35 hours. 2. S510 on bench B2 kept on waiting for shaft installation from Saturday afternoon to Monday. 3. No program was given to OP team for doing SSW on S660 on bench D1; OP took initiative to do the SSW according to the the program of S648(Q4). OP was congratulated for taking the initiative and finishing the test successfully on weekend with almost no support from outside. 4. Cryo Plan : Cryo will work at 18 kW capacity upto March, 2007. It will reduce its capacity to 6 kW from April 2007. 5. Magnets still to be tested (as from lattest data available): Dipoles --- 117 (1232) S3 ---- 48 (360) IR-500 ---- 19 (32) IR-600 ---- 19 (82) Days Remaining --- 122 6. A. Siemko emphasised that as per procedural requirement for paying compensation, if anybody from equipment support is called by OP team to attend a problem, it should be clearly mentioned in the log book by OP that such request was made. In addition, the person attending the request shold also enter into the log book his arrival time and the departure time. 7. Stephan discussed the problems encountered in the previous week. Sheshnath Singh |