Dear Colleagues, Following are the highlights of the Tuesday meeting held on 21st Feb 2006: Test Coordinator: Nikolay Equipment Support: Maryline 16 complete magnet tests were performed. The breakup is as follows: 8 Dipoles (1 with MM) + 7 Arc SSS + 1 Special SSS (1st Run). Ø It was discussed that complete parameters for the Sp. SSS will be found out after discussion with Experts, Equipment Support. For some Magnets, Gore had put a lot of effort to get these parameters from the EDMS. It is decided that a table will be made containing the necessary parameters for the magnets. Ø The Special SSS take a long time to get trained (at 4.4 K), i.e., we have to undergo around 15 numbers of training and still the magnet does not reach ultimate. A chart showing this slow performance of the Special SSS was shown in the meeting and the matter discussed. Ø Special SSS have different Ultimate and Nominal currents. These depend on the type of the magnet - MQY or MQM and also on the operating temperature - 1.9 K or 4.4 K. Currently, in TEMA, the value of the ultimate current is 4650 A. In the meeting it was decided to have the flexibility about the Ultimate current values in TEMA. This will soon be incorporated. Ø Stephen said that 40 Dipoles have been identified, which will undergo Magnetic Measurements for the year 2006. He had prepared a list of them, which is also put in the SM18 Control Room. Ø Special Magnetic Measurements are being performed on TBF2: MBAL2168. The sequence of test is put on the White Board in SM18 Control Room. Nicholas Sammut is following these tests. Ø The testing of Special SSS is included in the Normal Shift from this week onward. Ø Special SSS 508 (TBD2) is without anti-cryostat. Ø 2142 in the next magnet with MM and will come at the end of this week. Some problems faced by the Op - team and their solutions: v Magnets MBBR2258 (TBE1) and SSS 038 (TBC2) were taken out of bench due to HV Problems. v Special SSS 507 on TBD2: While doing Field Strength Measurement (760 A) with SSW @ Cold, the values of the flux were not correct. There was a drift in the pattern. This was due to the fact that the Function Generator in the SSW Unit was not put on. Due to this there was no triggering for getting the measurements and the measured values were incorrect. Note: The Function Generator in the SSW Unit should be put ON when doing SSW @ cold. v The error during IAP, indicating “Error on IAP D1&D2” occurs very often on many benches. This is due to some offset in the cards. The offsets may be different on different cards. Equipment Support is looking into this matter. Note: If the error “Error on IAP D1&D2” occurs during IAP, please contact Equipment Support. v TBF2: MBAL2168: There were problems while launching MM2 and MM3. Some part of the TRU was damaged and broken. It was repaired by Guy. Note: When rotating the shaft by hand, please put OFF the power for the motor (which rotates the shaft) using the red button. That is all for this week. Have a nice week ahead. Best regards, Dhruva Bhattacharjee |