Dear All The following are the highlights of the meeting held on 19th April 2005. 1. If the 2nd run on the magnet (Rapid Thermal Cycle) the Training is as per rule, the magnet can be signed for stripping. 2. If there is noisy signal on the voltage taps for any quench but no AQA warning or alarms, keep a close look on the next quench signals. Siemko said they will investigate & if there is no AQA warning or alarms, we can continue. Discuss with TC and the equipment support. 3. There will intervention on the E2 (short intervention) & F2 (long intervention) bench for changing the silver shoes. 4. TBD2 bench will be having a special SSS after present ARC SSS. 5. SPA on TBD1 may be due to the level gauge exchanger problem. CRYO team modifying the software parameter for the above and also for current lead temperature to reduce such occurrences. 6. For the shaft rotation, operators should disable the power to the motor by pressing the RED button. But be gentle while rotating the shaft. 7. Marco will be attending the Tuesday meeting hence forth from AB/CO group instead of Alexsandro . 8. Marco informed that the new DAQ will be installed on all clusters today. 9. Marco also informed that the problem of automatic magnet name selection from the bench selection is rectified. 10. Higher CRYO priority should be given for the SSS (if a dipole and SSS are at the same stage then give preference to the SSS). 11. During the phase change of the cooling, the CRYO HV ok signal is lost due to low level of the He. So the HV test should be launched when the CRYO HV signal is steady. 12. The following incident happened on the D-Cluster. SSW @ Warm was going on TBD1 and PT9 was to be launched on TBD2 after PT8. The acquisition was switched OFF and the quench heaters were discharged. The rotary switch was put on CC position. But while removing the voltage taps on D2, Eric got an electrical shock. The interconnection box was on the unknown state/ neutral state. The AC signal was on the TBD1 for the SSW @ Warm test. Siemko said they will investigate into the problem. Have a nice day Jitendra K Mishra |