Minutes of Tuesday meeting: held on 18th Dec 2006 Test Coordinator for this week: Stephane; Next week (up to Dec 22): Vittorio No of magnets completed: 10 (5 dipoles, 2 arc SSS, 1 5XX series & 2 6xx series) out of which 7 were signed for stripping & others standby. The salient points of discussion were follows: • Nick informed that we will stop working on Friday evening i.e. 22 Dec, before beginning of vacation and op team should perform last quench before 17:00 on 21 Dec. • Nick and Stephen stressed the there are 5 magnet waiting for removal from bench and magnet on 1345 and 1406 on F cluster are waiting even ICS was personally contacted for its removal. • Nick informed that 1334 is the last Alsthom magnet to be tested but due to some capillary repair it is still waiting. • The SSS 519 (no heat exchanger) has reached ultimate with 20 quenches at 4K. There was decision taken that this magnet has to continue training till ultimate rather then go for thermal cycle. • Nick presented the list of SSS and dipole magnet (with its date of arrival and departure) which are currently on bench and still has to come. • Stephen informed that there was problem in installing shaft on A1 (2411) thus operation team has continued the training and also there was also problem in cryo because of this magnetic measurement got delayed. • Stephen asked op team that we should stop magnetic measurement after MM3 on 2411 so that Nicoly can carry out his tests. • Nick stressed that there were some incidence of the theft last year in the SM18 during vacation. Therefore some arrangements are made, like control room is locked and can only be open by code. Still he suggested that computers or monitor can be put some room. • Nick informed that next Tuesday meeting will be on 16 Jan. He will be the Test coordinator in the first week, he will make his all effort to initially start the work to make it stream line. Have a nice week Amit Tikaria |