Dear Colleagues, Following are the highlights of the Tuesday meeting held on 13/12/2005 at SM18: Ø For the last week: 04/11/2005 (Sunday) to 10/12/2005 (Saturday): Total number of Magnet Cycles = 13 9 Dipoles (2 MM) + 1 S4(1 MM & SW ) + 3 SSS(no MM) Ø For the current week: 11/12/2005 (Sunday) to 16/12/2005 (Saturday): Test Coordinator: S. Sanfilippo & Equipment Support: Federico Ø Last Quench before shutdown will be on Wednesday before 20hrs. Ø Magnet on D2 SSS605 will go and come back for testing after repair as leak was found in the magnet. One wielding joint was found broken. Ø List of cryostated dipoles, with specification of dipole types, to be cold tested is available at Ø Giorgio informed that Guy will put the sag calibration files for SSS during shutdown. Ø Nick informed that entry to the Control Room will be code protected and Cryo & Eq. support have to care of their equipments during shutdown. Ø Nick informed that Federico will be available till Friday during day time and operation team should finish all the documentation of tested magnets by Friday. Ø Nick informed that Giorgio will explain about the changes, new features in software before start up next year. Problems encountered by SM18op Team: One CRYO pump was down, only 8-10g/s was available for pumping. Magnet priorities were re-addressed by TC and Stephane. TBF1: MM on MB2202: Problem in Ap1: Integrator was damaged. Integrator was changed. TBF1: During auto test for LHC CYCLE in MB2202, the motor 2 was not running (end position not found). The shaft was not rotating. Full load line launched but same problem. Federico was called and asked to check. End_stop was too close to the encoder. F.Flamant made an intervention on the TRU. Stephane advised to give up with the machine cycle. TBF1: Load-line on MB2202. Hardware recognition was not working on all benches, oracle problem. Loadline was launched on TBF1 without the hardware recognition. M.Perryt confirmed the Oracle error. ROCLA yellow car (use to move SSS) was parked in front of TBF1 bench: It was not possible to remove shaft till next day morning. ROCLA had been called without success. TBB1: IAP @warm on SSS84: offset error in Q_Int_P34, Adjusted later. TBD1: Wrong SAG_CAL file used (that of SSS605 instead of that of SSS347). X_Y repeated in Aperture 2. Values will be corrected in Aperture 1 by Marco.. TBD2: Cryo leak on SSS605, SSS re-opened on Monday morning. Leak found on the MRB side in the cold mass. TBF1: Polarity switch difficult to move from left to right. The procedure had been follow carefully, but after some manipulation this switch got blocked. Federico called. He changed the switch position. No damage only mechanical friction. Maintenance will be performed during the shutdown. TBA1: Federico has reconnected the power cables on the current leads that were disconnected due to HV test. TBB1: DC connector cable of the power supply (on the top of the CFB) broken. Connection was not possible for the 2A current during warm-up. Federico contacted. OP team solved the problem temporarily by replacing a spare connector with another one without spring cover. TBD1: End of the warm up of the SSS347: vacuum was broken with the shaft inside although there was a clear indication to maintain the vacuum. Shaft removed without damage Monday Morning. On Sunday ROCLA parked in front of the entrance door and it blocked emergency action. TBF1:MB2163: Iearth~40mA during PTE (limit 10 mA). Quench performed with IAP cable connected. IAP cable removed Monday then PTE repeated and OK. TBB2: ½ HF provoked quench on SSS076: AQA warning: 1 quench heater should fire before trigger. Test repeated 3 times: same results. Federico contacted. He compared with files of other SSS and he found the same warning. Then he advised to proceed. Bug in AQA, now corrected. TBB2; SSS076: The first two training quenches both happened outside the main coils. After the first training quench (I=10434 A). Third training quench also outside the main coil, triggered by Vclamp_ext. Cryo team said there was no instability just before the quench. Cryo team increased the He level to 75% in the current leads+ 2 hours of stabilisation then OK. That's all for this Week about the last week. Have a nice week ahead regards Mukesh |