Dear Colleagues, Following are the highlights of the Tuesday meeting dated 13/9/2005: In the week ending 10-9-05, total No. of Magnet Test Cycles – 17 (14 dipoles including 2 with MM + 2 SSS + 1 Sp SSS with thermal cycle) Rotary polarity switch change on Cluster C will be delayed because of delay in delivery of mechanical parts by the manufacturer. Special SSS 606 at TBD2 will be tested with Chaconsa (shafts) this week. Chaconsa measurements require long term cryo stability at 4.4 K, so highest priority should be maintained for TBD2. Magnet 1017 is a special magnet which will undergo long term stability test and other special tests and will be coming on TBA2 either today or tomorrow. Louis informed that the two benches on Cluster B would be converted to SSS shortly. The bench configuration of 8 dipole benches and 4 SSS benches (including Sp SSS) would remain till the end of this year. The configuration may be changed to 6 Dipole benches and 6 SSS benches early next year. Problems encountered by SM18op Team: On TBA2 :AQA was not possible from control room as complete data was not exported to storage from local sun station. This problem had also been noticed earlier. Richard informed that there is a weakness in the file exporting software and AB/CO people have been asked to modify the software. On TBA2 :Configuration files were not getting generated because of error in MTF. They had to be manually generated after switching off the hardware recognition. On TBC: Power Convertor was not switching on. A serial cable was found disconnected after calibration work was done on the bench. On TBF2 : There were connection problems between PLCSE and PLCHV which were resolved after reset of the two PLCs. On TBE1: During analysis of the 1.5 KA provoked quench it was observed that the TauJmpV value was quite high (1.0) but there was no AQA alarm (the alarm limit is 1.2). Maryline informed that such a high value occurs sometimes because of noise induced in the 1st set of quench heaters due to discharge of capacitors of the second set of heaters and this does not necessarily reflect on the quality of the magnet. On TBE: It was noticed that sometimes the rotary switch (power convertor) interlock is not OK and neither do the lamps glow. It was informed that in such a case it should be checked whether any current (2A) is being fed on to the current leads because the power convertor electronics checks for any current on the leads and disallows further operation. On TBA: Op team informed that they had difficulties in performing Minimum Energy tests on the A cluster because of the over-sensitive charging mechanism. Maryline informed that she will check the device and try to ease its operation. She further informed that an automated Min energy testing mechanism (which can be launched and completed from TEMA) is undergoing lab tests and if successful, will be inducted on all test benches. Richard informed that he has identified a new robust metallic connector to replace the PLCSE connector (purple cable for HV rack). The present plastic connector is causing lot of connection problems during HV tests. That's all for the Week Have a nice wee ahead Regards D.A.Roy |