Dear Colleagues, Following are the main points discussed in today's meeting (Tuesday, 13th June 2006): Test Coordinator : Vinod Chouhan Equipment Support : Georgio Total complete magnet tests : 16 Dipoles : 10 ARC-SSS : 02 ( 038 Repeat ) IR-SSS : 01 (500 series) ( 513 ) : 03 (600 series) ( 633, 690, 626 ) Repeat : 01 General discussions on GHH Presentation : 1) Halike mentioned that 319 with anticryostat will be put on B1. SSW has been completed on D1 and ceramic shafts would be installed this afternoon. 2) Louis pointed that 038 magnet had to be repeated many times due to electrical problems at 904. 3) Cryo member mentioned B1 is under cryo investigation due to the problem of level indicator and they could not locate the fault so far. A new magnet could be put on bench tonight. During magnet powering the OP team would request cryo team to increase the flow. Tomorrow morning the cryo team would start working on C2. 4) GHH pointed out about long testing time for some magnets. Georgio replied the reason was due to the magnet detraining and could not reach the ultimate after 9 quenches and hence OBTC need to be done. 5) Stephane brought to the notice about keeping the area around the bench free from any obstacles especially on Friday to avoid unnecessary delay during week ends. Louis replied TC or operation tem members should immediately bring to the notice of concerned team if they find any obstacles around the bench. 6) Siemko mentioned it was decided on Thursday not to put any magnet on C1. But a magnet was put on the bench on Sunday. 7) Georgio mentioned the corrector supply on C2 would be set right next week. The OP team could train the magnet but wait for corrector powering till the power supply is done. 8) GHH raised the point that should we ve to go the ultimate for 600 series and Siemko answered that it is necessary as not much statistics is available for special SSS. 9) Siemko asked how the op-team takes the magnet for count and added the magnet should not be counted as underscore 1 or 2 unless the magnet is cooled. GHH answered that the count on SMTMS starts as soon as the magnet arrives on the bench. The OP team mentioned a magnet is not counted unless it undergoes a cold test for the statistics count. 10) Stepane mentioned that 319 would be brought on B1 this afternoon for advanced Magnetic measurements with long shaft and if someone from Eq. support would co-ordinate with him. But Siemko objected doing magnetic measurements for three magnets at one time is not a good decision. Hence decision would be taken this week whether this could be delayed. Discussions on Stephane’s presentation 1) Georgio and Richard pointed out to the OP team and ICS team not to mix up the plexiglass covers of the benches and avoid moving the covers from one bench to the other. They answered the question of missing screw drivers whether someone can indent new screwdrivers from OP. 2) Resistance measurement template of 659 did not confirm. Georgio said he did’nt prepare the template for the 500 series but would look into the problem. 3) HV test on TBC could not be performed due to aissing PLCSE link. Maryline has done a make shift arrangement to continue but the test doesn’t sense the temperature. Hence the OP team would confirm the magnet temperature before carrying the HV tests on TBC from cryo. 4) Siemko instructed anyone handling the shaft movement should avoid large acceleration and deceleration on shaft as it would damage the ceramic shafts. 5) There was a overrange while conducting MM2 on TBA1. Stepane agreed to change the gain of the measurement. 6) Before attempting to Reset the PLC for PLCSE error the operation team should make an attempt to contact Jacky at 164446 (M) / 78648(O) and he would bring proper equipment to find the reason. If he could nt be contacted the team would continue by resetting PLC. – H. Reynold With warm regards, Kandaswamy E ( Op team please note the matter in RED BOLD ) |