Dear All Following are the highlight of the Tuesday meeting on 7th June 2005 1. Total of 199 dipole & 75 SSS have been tested by the end of May 2005. 2. We were told that, we are getting the straight line graph for the IAP@Warm (not the usual noisy signal which we used to get earlier) because of the calibration of the co-efficient for the interpolation were changed for TT821 and TT148 for both AQA & IAP. 3. During the PT8.2 de-excitation test on ARC SSS, it was observed that the SPA is occurring 125 A/s & not at 350 A/s. Giorgio told that this can be due to SPA occurring during the test or the Power Converter may not have followed the programmed sequence. They are looking into it. 4. The SPA / Quench occurring during the magnetic measurement tests are due to the current lead temperature. CRYO team is working on the program to increase the flow during these tests to reduce such occurrences. 5. Giorgio told to launch thermal cycle on any bench on a cluster if no tests are being carried out on any bench in the same cluster to get the temperature information. 6. The proper naming convention for non-conformity is QN_MagnetNumber_step And give Description of the Non Conformity. 7. There will be Network intervention on Sunday morning (12/6/2005). 8. There will be MTF intervention on Monday morning (13/6/2005). Thanking you Regards Jitendra K Mishra |