Dear Colleagues, Following are the highlights of the Tuesday meeting held on 06/12/2005 at SM18: Ø For the last week: 27/11/2005 (Sunday) to 03/12/2005 (Saturday): Total number of Magnet Cycles = 13 9 Dipoles (No MM) + 4 SSS (Without MM & SSW) Ø For the current week: 04/12/2005 (Sunday) to 11/12/2005 (Saturday): Test Coordinator: Marta & Equipment Support: Federico Ø The magnet on TBF2: MBBL3406 is the last but one Noell Magnet. The last Noell magnet MB3397 is currently at SM 18 and will be tested before the shut down. Ø The warm-up by CRYO team, for the Shut Down, will start from 14/12/2005 afternoon (after 14:00 hrs). So, OP team will have to finish the training of the magnets and warm-up the magnets on the same day before 14:00 hrs. Ø Three magnets have to be tested, as per priority, before the shut down: (a) MB 3397 – The last Noell magnet. (b) SSS 84 – It is in SM 18 hall and can be put on TBB1 after SSS 212. (c) SSS 38 – The magnet is coming today and will be prepared for testing soon. Ø New version of PTOFF: Giorgio informed that the new version of PTOFF (PTOFF 6.60) is currently installed on sunmta24 in the control room (just next to the door), and today it will be installed in all the other servers in control room. He explained the functioning of the new version to some OP team members. Others are requested to use this version and familiarize. There is not much difference with the older version. Giorgio had even sent an email regarding this on 05/12/2005. Ø Giorgio informed that: Cabling of the D bench was changed earlier after much efforts. This helped in detecting the reason for any SPA on that bench. During shut down the Power converter cabling will be re-done for the other clusters A, B, C, E & F. This will help detecting the reason for any SPA on these clusters. Ø Stephan informed that: MM has to be done at the same temperature from beginning to end of the test, for obtaining correct results. Hence the test has to be done at the correct He pressure level, which is to be checked before the test. Ø Stephan informed that: When strength and angle measurement are only to be done, then there is no need for calling survey and waiting for them. Survey is required when we do the magnetic axis measurement. Ø TBD2: Special SSS 605: It is estimated that the MM on this magnet will get over by coming Thursday. Ø TBD1: SSS 347: There are MM and Magnetic Axis measurements (SSW) for this magnet. Ø TBF1: MBAL2202: Special test on this magnet. Quench at 4.4 K. Check last meeting’s minutes and special test sequence on White Board in SM 18 control room. Ø TBA2: MBBR2259: Special test on this magnet similar to TBF1: MBAL2202. Also, Hall Probe measurements on this magnet. For this Hall Probe Test, Mr. Nicolas Sammut is looking after. Problems encountered by SM18op Team: · TBA1: Problem during the CDBP HV test. The investigation is going on by Richard and Giorgio. · TBC2: MBBR2239: It is for Standby because of AQA alerts due to Voltage, Noise and Jump exceeding the limits. The magnet has short circuit. Investigation was done by Richard by doing provoked quenches starting with 3 KA current up to 9 KA. The problem reappeared at 9 kA. Impulse test (by capacitor discharge) was done to understand the problem. The Magnet will be send back to the factory. · TBF1: MBAL2202: Problem with the results with SSW on F1, but then Marco performed the test and the results are OK. · MB 2247: It is for Standby because the magnet did not train in 9 quenches. · TBD1: SSS083: CQR template was not matching with the MTF printout. Though the results were correct, the CQR template showed error. The template has to be modified. · TBA2: MB 3370: Tcoil value was not coming correctly from shaft Nos. 27 & 28. In such a case the calibration parameters stored in MTF must be checked and also the raw voltage of Tcoil. · TBB1: A random trigger was present during IAP @ cold A/C compensation test. The reason was that the P11 connector was not connected properly because of a problem in the adaptor, to which the P11 was to be connected. · TBF2: MBAL2202: The cool down was blocked during the night because of SSW installation. The OP team was not properly communicated whether the SSW measurements were to be done at warm or cold. Hence they did not sign for the cool down. Stephan informed that the SSW measurements to be done at cold. Stephan informed that: The Stretch Wire can be installed during cool down if the SSW measurements are to be done at cold. That's all for this Week about the last week. Have a nice week ahead Best regards, Dhruva Bhattacharjee |