Dear Colleagues, Following are the minutes of the Tuesday meeting held on 05th September, 2006: During the last one week (35th week) à Total 15 magnet tests have been completed. 8 – Dipoles (standby for 1346, 9 ramps during training), 4 - Arc SSS (all stripped), 0 - 500 series and 3 - 600 series (665 (111 hrs), 662 (141hrs), 667(95hrs)). à This week Nick will be the Test Co-ordinator and Guy & Frederico for Equipment Support. à Nick has mentioned about the S4 magnet on TBD2 (SSS680 correctors are in series) which has gone through single stretched wire tests at 400A, 200A & 26A. Some file problems were faced during Monday night. They have been rectified by Giorgio and Richard. Walkiers insisted the urgency of this magnet in the tunnel to complete one sector. It has to be trained for both apertures and has to warmed up by tonight so that to meet its target date of 10th Sep. in the tunnel. à Nick reported about the delay in connection & disconnection of magnets by ICS. à Halik mentioned that in TBD1, SSS526 will be put next. And in TBD2, the next magnet will be SSS608. à Lionel mentioned about cryo leak problem on C1 bench (bellow) which got rectified on Monday. à Stephane mentioned that the magnetic measurements on dipoles will be reviewed and the shift leaders will be informed about this. à Stephane mentioned about some of the problems faced last week and the measures taken to solve them. v MB1346: HV(CDBP) failed for TT821 sensor vs. GND. This was signed for standby and removed. v MB1305 (TBE2) Anomalous QH discharge on 3rd training, signed for standby. Boris will look into this aspect. v On Thursday (31/8) cryo-liquefactor problem on all benches due to alarm threshold problem. Lionel rectified the problem. v TBB2-SSS310: TCLaux_X2 error reported by PLCSE. Lionel suggested to check the level of cryo fluid in this case. (This is noticed in B-cluster) à Sampath informed about the anomaly in resistance measurements on 501, 513 series and their respective templates. It seemed the polarities were reversed. Data is not available in MTF. It has been suggested that 904 has to update MTF before magnet arrives sm18. Have a pleasant week ahead. Best Regards Israel Bakhtsingh |