Dear Colleagues, Following are the highlights of the Tuesday meeting held on 1st November 2005: 1) Magnet Test Cycles: 15 complete magnet test cycles were performed. The breakup is as follows: 10 dipoles + 3 SSS + 2 SSSS (Special SSS) 2) There would be SSW and Chaconsa measurements on Sp SSS 631 (TBD2) starting from this week. 3) There were lot of problems in carrying out SSW measurements (non-working stages, wire breakages, improper results) on MB3408 on bench TBA2 because of which the SSW and MM tests were curtailed. Stephane further informed that the results of the SSW tests at cold were not good and these tests would be repeated at warm in out-of-bench condition. 4) There were special tests carried out on MBAL 3139 on bench TBC1 to analyze problems faced (signal spike during warm-up quench) during the magnet's previous run. However there were no problems detected during any of the tests on this run, but to analyze further and confirm that the magnet indeed has no problem, the magnet will be put on standby. 5) Jurek informed that there are no Sp SSS (of the type Q8, Q9, Q10) available to put on the B1 bench. It was proposed to convert this bench back for ARC-SSS and this job will be taken up after tests on the current Sp SSS on this bench are over. 6) There was a discussion on the implications of changeover of the bench configuration from ARC-SSS to Sp SSS and vice-versa on the B and D cluster. Because of the magnet protection and personnel safety issues, this changeover is currently being carried out only by Op team members working on Sp SSS and supervised by Equipment experts. It was felt that steps need to be taken to ease the changeover operation (to reduce the likelihood of mistakes) so that it need not be supervised everytime by the experts. Two proposals have been put forth so far: a) Giorgio proposed that a detailed tabulated procedure (with all relevant diagrams) would be prepared and placed on the B & D benches so that the changeover can be carried out and checked step-by-step. b) Kevin suggested that changeover from ARC-SSS to Sp SSS should always be supervised by experts while the changeover from Sp-SSS to ARC-SSS can proceed as per the procedure but need not be supervised. 7) Nick further informed that all members of the Operation team (and specially all shift leaders) should get acquainted with the changeover procedures as well as test procedures for Sp SSS. This will ensure that there would always be persons in shifts who can help in carrying out/checking the changeover and also carry out some of the tests on Sp SSS. Information on Sp SSS in the form of test procedure documents, Magnet configuration lists, HV connection details, etc are now available on the SM18 website. Problems encountered by the SM18 Operations Team & their Solutions: 1) TBD1: There was a problem on the 600 A Power convertor. The AB/PO team was eventually called by Richard and they found that the inductance loop parameters of the PC were incorrect. They probably got changed during the routine maintenance of the PC. 2) TBB2: Corrector Powering on the magnet was not possible due to an interlock. It was found that the Stop button (red) of the 120 A Power convertor was in OFF position. This is very often the case after any maintenance operation on Power convertors and the Op team is advised to check for it after maintenance is done on any bench. 3) TBD2: SSS292: The results for IAP@ warm for voltage taps were not correct in IAP application (one voltage level missing) while the same was OK in lfoff. Giorgio was asked to check it. 4) TBF1: 2209: There was an error reported (similar error on other benches also) saying that 'One or more channels have 100 ms trigger time'. This was attributed to a database problem and was rectified. 5) TBA1: 1072: For this magnet, no diode was detected and an NC was opened in CDW1. Stephane informed that since this magnet is listed in the diode work list, it is already notified for diode connection and hence magnet can be signed for 'stripping'. He further informed that all magnets for which no diode is detected and it is not listed in the diode work list should be signed for 'standby'. 5) TBD1: There was a problem on the RMD Power convertor for which Richard had to reset the Digital Controller card on the Power convertor. 6) TBD: Giorgio informed that modifications and enhancements have been carried out in the hardware and software of the power convertor of cluster D to avoid SPA during high current tests. He advised the Op team to check for the occurance of SPA during any test and report it (if any) along with date and time. This will help him to correlate the occurance of SPA with other data from Power Convertor/cryo etc. That was all for the previous week. HAPPY DIWALI to ALL Have a nice week ahead. Best regards, D.A.Roy |