Dear Colleagues,

Following are the highlights of the Tuesday meeting held on 11th July, 2006:

Test Coordinator – Vittrio

1) Magnet Test cycles: 15 complete magnet test cycles were performed. 7 – Dipoles (2253 (133 hr) with magnetic measurement), 4 - Arc SSS (271 -3 times thermal cycle),

2 - 500 series (527 1 run and 2nd Run completed in 176 hrs) and 2 - 600 series (634 (317 hrs), 682 go for thermal cycle (682hrs)).

2) SSS 682 magnet on D2 bench magnet was handled by equipment support. Giorgio informed that during training of the MQTL ap1 current was not ramping due to high value of resistance found between 4 and 5 MQTL (it shows open). Giorgio pointed that some special test like AC transfer function measurement and HV test will be performed by the equipment support before disconnection of the magnet. During the investigation it was found that cold mass is in good condition. Louis pointed that magnet will be Cryo checked. He also informed that next magnet on the D2 bench will be 645 without MM.

3) Louis raised the issue that the magnet at A2 (2290) and B1 (258) are not remove till today even after MAPS and 13.2, as it was pending for almost one day. Giorgio pointed that there was some quench heater problem on A2 bench that was investigated. Hallick informed that B1 magnet is with ICS as they were not able to remove because of lot of job was accumulated as Rocla was not working for last three day.

4) Stephens pointed that 636 there was some problem the MM1 was not done in afternoon shift. Op-team reported this problem in the evening that there is no program for MM measurement .Giorgio instructed to follow the 634 program. This instruction was followed. MM1 at 2k and nominal current were performed.

5) Stephens informed that problem of corrector type information is missing in OHMS_CQR.xls template for 527 magnet on B2 bench has been pointed by the Operation team. This information is missing because of problem to access database file. Eric pointed that similar problem of left and right magnet was also missing earlier for 500 series magnet. He pointed that corrective action will be taken.

6) Op team has informed that there was white vapor appearing from the CFB of E1 during the warm-up quench performed on MB2319 magnet. Richard told that there was some problem in the opening of the valve. Stephens pointed out that similar situation with some blockage of ice may develop very high pressure in the magnet and is dangers for the magnet. Op-team raised that cryo problem exist quite regularly on the E bench only. It has been decided that if similar cryo problem occur then to contact TC and insists the cryo people to call some cryo expert to take some corrective action.

7) Stephen pointed that on the SSS047 HV test at the cold was not passing for the EF corrector. Ice on the current lead has been found. Salem found that temperature sensor was not working. For the same magnet Quench heater HV was not passing in the cold condition even it has passed during warm test. Louis Walkiers pointed that there may be some problem in the IFS box. This magnet was signed for standby after the discussion from TC for further analysis.

8) Stephen pointed the on the A1 bench for magnet 1306 it took about 8 hrs to cool from 4 k to 1.9 K. Cyro was reported by Op –team at that time, they inform it is normal but in the next shift cyro leak was found.

That is all for the previous week.

Best Regards

Amit Tikaria