Dear Colleagues,

Following are the main points discussed in today's meeting (Tuesday, 7th March 2006):

Test Coordinator : Stefane

Equipment Support : Giorgio

Total complete magnet tests : 15

Dipoles : 6 (1 with MM)


IR-SSS : 2 (1 with thermal cycle)

· It is decided to remove SSS610.

· Giorgio informed that ICS had problem on D2 as the M2 line was not connected.

· Siemko told that the 500 series magnets are NOT like ARC-SSS except for power tests hence they be treated as special magnets. For HV test we must use sequence for 500 series.

· Louis Walckiers suggested to follow the priority rule as (from Highest to Lowest) : 500/600 then MB then ARC-SSS. This rule may be relaxed on weekends, if required.

· Stefane raised that on TBA1, ICS had put a magnet which was already tested. It was detected by Operation Team and the magnet was removed later.

· Siemko informed that 4.4K SSL quench shall be done on Ansaldo magnets which have shafts and also on those performing poorly at 1.9K power tests (irrespective of the presense of shaft). This was discussed by Stefane and Siemko.

· Stefane informed that for magnet MBAR 2247 on TBF2, only standard magnetic measurements shall be done. No special test. Stefane and Meryline will do electronics health test before MM2.

· Stefane raised concern over the time lost on TBA2 as the bench was free for a very long time over the weekend and monday.

Thats all. Have a nice week ahead.

With best regards

Vikas Chauhan