Dear Colleagues,

Following are the highlights of the Tuesday meeting held on 4th July 4, 2006:

1) Magnet Test cycles: 17 complete magnet test cycles were performed. 9 - Dipoles, \6 - Arc SSS, 1 - 500 series (527) and 1 - 600 series (656).

2) The magnet presently on bench D2 bench S4682 was cooled to 1.9K which was detrimental for the magnet assembly as the corresponding heat exchanger is absent here. This happened even though both Cryo team as well as OP team had proper information about the Cryo condition required for testing of this magnet which is 4.2K Stephane sought proper coordination between Cryo team and OP team especially for IR-SSS magnets where, required Cryo condition for testing is different for different magnets.

3) Louis enquired about the familiarity of OP team w.r.t SSW measurements tests. It was pointed out by OP team that last SSW measurement on Magnet SSSS634 was done by OP team without much difficulty. Luis wanted OP team to use program developed by Kevin for SSW measurements. Eric and GHH indicated the SCRIPT program has some problem to be sorted out by Guy for extensive use of this software.

4) The magnet 1390 was warmed up without diod test (Min energy at 3000A). Louis Walkiers wanted to know if there is any lacuna in procedure which, made this mistake possible. It was pointed out by OP team that even though the test sequence includes diode test correctly the MTR (physical document) it is listed at a latter stage. Probably this anomaly resulted the mistake. With this it was decided by all that the CDPT file should be generated before signing the magnet for warm up while it is in Cryo STANDBY condition. It is the responsibility of shift leader to ensure from the CDPT file that all required power tests were completed before signing the magnet for warm up.

5) On Saturday night there was problem due to dummy resistor box of quench heater (QH box). Girgio indiacted that of late there is degrading performance of QH box. Patrick had checked all the QH boxes and repaired the faulty ones. Therefore at present we have adequate spare QH boxes available for any eventuality. However eq. support team has some some problem for spares of quench heater power supplies (QH power supply). The cluster D is incomplete with absence of one quench heater power supply. The present condition on D cluster does not call for QH power supply. However for next magnets we need them. Eq support team shall look into this problem.

6) From the presentation of Eric it was seen that bench free time (intermediate time between outgoing magnet removal and incoming magnet installation) on some benches is unjustified. He wanted effort from ROCLA or ICS managing team to look into this and curtail the bench free time to a reasonable value.

7) Stephane pointed out that there were some entries in log book regarding training rule of magnet on thermal cycle which, was uncalled for. He pointed out the training rule for magnet on thermal cycle is not as clear-cut as it is for normal magnets. Therefore it is subject to the judgment of test coordinator (TC).

8) OP team members sought clarification on training rules for corrector powering. Stephane indicated maximum 9 times powering is the basic training rule which can be followed. If current does not reach corresponding ultimate value after 9 corrector powering then it can be stopped and NC to be generated at CQPT stage for such magnets.

9) Regarding corrector powering Stephane also pointed out that OP team often consults TC without analyzing the past quenches. Without past quench analysis parameters like location and current value no decision can be made by TC. Therefore he advised OP team to do the analysis of past corrector quenches of the magnet before asking for advise from TC.

10) Eric stressed upon the requirement of quench analysis of corrector powering which, need to be update in CQPT file also. However analysis of quenches in ‘lfoff’ is somewhat confusing. Therefore suitable modification in AQA to analyze the lf data of corrector powering will help OP team. Girgio is doing this modification and OP team can look forward to use this modified AQA in next week or so. However till that time OP team has to do the analysis of corrector quenches through ‘lfoff’

That is all for the previous week.

Best Regards

Prasanta Kumar Panda